Three questions from John 3

What is Jesus referring to when He says, “unless one is born of water and the Spirit, he cannot enter the kingdom of God.” What does He mean by water and spirit? What’s the water? Most theologians do not think it is the water of physical birth or baptism. Most of them think it refers to Ezekiel 36:25-27.

Why does Jesus connect the Holy Spirit to wind, and what is His point? Most theologians think Jesus is referring to Ezekiel 37:8-14. They think Jesus is saying that the new birth is far more a God thing than a human thing. We don’t control the wind and we cannot control God. God is in charge of the wind and He is in charge of saving people.

What are the heavenly things in verse 12? Most theologians believe Jesus is referring to what He says from verse 13 to 21.


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