Ordered and disordered loves

It has wisely been said that the humankind struggles with keeping what we love in the right order.

What is meant is that we drift toward loving things.

And we drift towards loving ourselves.

And we drift towards not loving our wife or kids or parents or closest friends as we should. There’s truth in this.

John 3:19–21 takes it one step further saying humankind “loves darkness rather the light.” And there’s truth in that too.

Loving the right things in the right order is tough. Our desires and impulses and weaknesses are terribly, horribly strong. They often rule our lives.

There’s no magic wand to fix this, but there is an understanding that can be mighty helpful.

Make God BIG and darkness will be disliked. Make God small and darkness will be enjoyed.


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Was there really no death before the Fall?

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